Sunday, November 27, 2005

Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire

The Quiddich Cup
I think that it was a good thing that they cut out most of the quiddich game. It would have taken too much time and also would have taken too much time away from the main storyline. Part of me feels like the movie didn’t really start until the deatheaters burned down the camp. Don’t get me wrong, I loved the beginning. But that part of the film really intrigued me. The deatheaters were spine-chilling and not for all those 4 year olds in the theater. This scene is part of what sets this apart from the other Harry Potter movies- It’s not exactly for little kids anymore.

The Goblet of Fire
Boy did Dumbledore seem angry when he was in the backroom with Harry! He even slammed him against a table! I believe they did a great job with the eeriness in this scene, even though people who haven’t read the book could tell that was coming. How could it not? Would they just show the Tournament without Harry having any part in it? The goblet was wonderfully designed- including when it spit out the names to Dumbledore… and when it spit fire out at Fred & George. This scene even had people muttering that Harry was a cheat, even though some had tried to cheat themselves into the contest.

THE TOURNEMENT #1: Retrieving the Golden Egg
The special effects crew went all out on this beautiful scene. My question is though, why didn’t Harry try to use his wand sooner? Was he to frozen in shock to do anything? While this was somewhat different than the book, it was still a fast paced, incredibly fun scene. I don’t remember the dragon breaking his chain and chasing Harry around the castle. Why did he do that? The was a lot of people in the stands that he could of easily eaten. I don’t mind filmmakers changing things from the book as long as they do it well. And in the case of this scene and the rest in this movie they did it wonderfully. One thought though- that old castle is going to have a good deal of constructive work to be fixed after that dragon.

The Yule Ball & Romance
It was even more obvious in this movie that Ron was jealous of Hermione and Krum than it was in the book. I must admit, I’m not a fan of romance. I’d rather have action and mystery, so whenever I could sense any romance coming my face grimaces. But fortunately for me they kept it at a minimum and did it pretty well. (Not to mention Neville dancing around the common room with himself.) Even Hagrid had some romance, taking the girls part in his dance with Madam Maxine, and even combing his hair!

Wasn’t it Dobby that gave Harry the gillyweed? I do understand why they changed it to Neville- They would have to explain the whole Dobby part of the book, and some things have to be cut out for time. Also this part of the movie brought out a great quote from Neville (“I’ve killed Harry Potter!) when Harry seemed to be getting sick and was pushed in the water. And what was the deal with Moaning Myrtle? Didn’t she seem a little perverted? Once Harry was in the water, that hour really seemed to fly by quickly, didn’t it? And how come Harry could talk even the little bit he did underwater? Also poor Harry was the only one those Mermaids seemed to bully around.

Boy did Harry and Cedric really compete here- Harry even considered letting Cedric be eaten by the maze! Boy that’s rough- I thought Harry didn’t care about eternal glory, at least not enough to let a fellow student be eaten alive. And either Victor Krum was evil, blind, or bewitched. Though it was pretty obvious it was the third, especially for those who’ve read the book. Dumbledore said that the contestants might lose themselves in the maze. All that the movie showed was Krum trying to kill them, the maze trying to eat them, or the maze try to close in on them though.

Return of the Dark Lord
This part of the movie seemed to go by so quickly as compared to the book that it seemed a little rushed. I understand that they have a time limit to follow though. When I think about it I realize they included practically all the parts. And why didn’t Cedric just do as Harry say and grab the port-key, instead of trying to be the hero? Now he’s dead. Finally Voldermort is back and as ugly as ever. Great effects there! This part of the movie could be a little gruesome too! (I almost looked away when Wormtail cut off his hand!) The duel between Voldermort and Harry was pretty sweet, though as I’ve said before it seemed a little rushed.

Mad Eyed Moody
Let’s face it; we all knew something was wrong with him the way he was always spying on Harry. But the character was a great and funny addition to a wonderful movie. It seems to me as if Moody stole every scene he was in. (One funny thing was his mad eye constantly scanning the room.) He also got the most laughs in the film, as when he turned Malfoy into a ferret. Somehow I forgot how he was drinking a polyjuice potion whenever he was drinking from that flask.

Rita Skeeter
I really wanted to see Rita Skeeter get what she deserved, such as what happened at the end of the book. Her character is that type you want to see thrown out into the street, but unfortunately nothing happens to her… she just gets away with everything, Rita and that quill of hers. She publishes that Harry twelve years old in the newspaper! Don’t they have people to check these things! Apparently not in the magical world. She still wasn’t as evil as in the book though…

The Little Kids in the Theater
That goes without explaining, doesn’t it?


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